An interactive and digital campaign made to drive meningitis vaccinations after an outbreak at the University of Oregon.


In a pre-COVID world, a university health center wasn’t getting a lot of attention; even after a virus outbreak on campus.

To engage the student body, we designed an alias, “M”, to spread virally across the campus (much like the disease itself) and show its obtrusiveness to students.

“M” lead the University through a week-long series of clues on Twitter and around campus as students tried to unlock M's identity, resulting in a landing page containing information about meningitis and vaccinations.


  • #UNCOVERM became the most successful UO advertising campaign ever

  • Through website and messaging we were able to reach 1 in 4 undergrads

  • 156,000 Twitter impressions

  • Broke all webmail benchmarks with a 53% open rate and 21% unique clicks



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